Archive for February, 2009

Fancy Schmancy

I got a fancy schmancy new camera!!! But, serioulsy, I need to take a college course to learn to use it. Though for now, I’ll just drag little Jewels around the house and experiment!!



Chillin in the Bebe Pod!


In her “big girl swing”!


Ooh, la, la. A zebra!


This is how she rolls…






Holy Thigh Rolls Batman!


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Miss Poopy Pants

Ok, here’s the back story.

One day last week the hubs left for work without waiting for me and the Jewels to leave too (shame on you). He put her in the little Boppy travel swing. Long story short, I heard a couple of thuds followed by what I now call the “shriek of death” cry. I went out to discover Julia face down under the swing on our nasty brick floor, she had a big red knot on her forehead. Luckily, she recovered quickly and my panicky call the pedi helped calm me down and her daycare teacher reassured me that accidents happen and we are not the worst parents that ever lived. However, I have banned that swing. She’s much too big and too squirmy for the little swing or bouncy chair.

Saturday night we bought a “big girl” swing for Julia. I woke up on Sunday in the throes of a full blown cold and put Julia in her new swing. The hubs left for the day to attend an all day event. I ate breakfast and then went and got the Jewels out of her swing. Boy was I surprised the feel something wet and creamy all over my hands, arms, and torso. Ewwwww. Poop. Dueces. Craptastic, crap all over me, Jewels, the swing, and the floor. Yes the floor. There was so much poop that it saturated her diaper, her onesie, the head stabilizer pad in the swing, the swings fabric, the safety strap, the plastic, and then it dripped through the itty bitty slit that the safety strap goes through and landed on our floor. Fan-freakin-tastic thing to happen while I’m sick and home alone!!! I called Grandma to the rescue!

**Feel so much better about my decision to buy our own swing to destroy as opposed to borrowing our friend’s swing. Also feeling particulary grateful that I bought the swing with brown fabric as opposed to the pretty white swing with the cute little “lamb” ears.

Today, I am sick. The hubs is sick. The Jewels is not sick by some miracle and so, she is at daycare while I sit here by my lonesome remembering what life was like before we had her (eww) and looking forward to picking her up from daycare.

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I’m glad I tiptoe around the house while Julia sleeps, because at daycare yesterday when a melting wire sent the smell of smoke wafting through the building and Julia and her three little baby friends were placed in the singular “emergency crib” and escorted along with a crowd of hyper toddlers, outside through the courtyard and into the adjacent building… her beauty rest was undisturbed.

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