Archive for February 28, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby

Stop. Collaborate and listen. (beware I could type out all the lyrics from memory) 

We (by we I mean, I endured and he administered) just completed our first IM progesterone injection. It is my sincere pleasure to inform you all that it was painless. Yes, painless. It was much akin to the Gonal-F but with less stinging. It’s a good thing I’ve got “back”.

To my “cycle sisters” on a similar schedule who may also be faced with this daunting task I’ll tell you what I think helped make this a success. (of course, really, we just followed the directions from SUPER NURSE)

Ice, ice, ice, ice that ass!!! I mean ice it till it stings, and keep icing it until you’re so numb that you can’t feel the sting of the ice and actually have to crane your neck to look and make sure you haven’t gotten frost bite.

Lay down on your stomach, which if you’re like me may be bloated to mind boggling proportions, and turn your feet inward. 

Do the shot. (Have your husband do the shot.) 

Then, kindly ask the husband to knead your ass like a batch of fresh dough. (Hell, yeah)

Then, sit your ass on a heating pad. 

(for you legal types….this is not medical advice. This is what worked for me. It may not work for you. I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse.)

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18 eggs retrieved.

15 eggs were mature and each were injected with a single sperm.



Next up….tonight we start the dreaded progesterone shots. Please say mucho prayers.

Saturday will be our next update on our 14 children, and how much they have grown etc. A word of caution, usually not all of them survive.  Once the embryologist checks them for proper growth we’ll schedule the transfer. If all goes well the transfer will be on Monday. We are hoping to have 2 blastocysts to transfer back. If (and that’s a BIG if…because only 20% of couples do) we have “extras” they will cryo-preserved until a later date at which point we will thaw and transfer them back too. I know it sounds crazy. But when we started this whole thing I promised God that whatever life he chose to bless us with, then we will attempt to deliver  (obviously not all at once) and raise. If it’s 1 or 3 so be it, if it’s 14 so be it.

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The Bloat.

This is just before my first Gonal-F injection.


This is today, one day after the egg retrieval.


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